by Mummuart: Shinji Ikari looking dejected in greyscale while sunk chest deep in LCL fluid, there's guts around him
Mummuart logo

Illustration and Graphic Design by Moo


I'm a visual artist with five years experience working as a freelance Illustrator and about eight more as a self-taught Graphic Designer. I also have a B.A. in Spanish Literature.

I've worked in a variety of mediums, from traditional painting to 3D rendering, but my focus is predominantly digital art. I'm currently working as a Graphic Designer for tabletop games, but i'm always looking for the next challenge.

In my personal work you can find the subjects of queer love, mental illness, neurodivergency, subcultures, and the alternative lifestyles that encompass all the above. I like to see the beauty in perceived 'imperfections' and communicate my love for them through my art.

Current projects:

Weird Giraffe Games - Gift of Tulips
Weird Giraffe Games - Way Too Many Cats

Personal projects:

'Catboy' doujinshi (Unreleased)


Thank you for supporting me! đŸ–¤